Mogens N. Skov is President & Chief Executive Officer of Købstædernes Forsikring in Denmark and has worked in Danish and international insurance and reinsurance since 1976.
On 1 September 1997 he accepted a position as President & Chief Executive Officer at Købstædernes Forsikring which is the oldest existing insurance company in Denmark, established in 1761. The company has always played a very active role in its European association and Mogens Skov has thus participated in Working Groups within AISAM since 1998 and now AMICE. He is also a Board member of AMICE.
Mogens is a member of the Board of the association of Danish mutual insurance companies and serves as a Board member of various Danish insurance associations.
He holds a degree in Insurance & Managerial Accounting from the Copenhagen High School of Economics. Mogens was born on 18 May 1955 and is married with 3 children.