Philippe Lallemand is Special Advisor to the Management Committee, Human Resources Director and Financial Participations Director of Ethias.
Philippe Lallemand is also Chairman of the Ethics Committee of Ethias. This Committee is composed of 36 collaborators, of which half belong to the personnel. It coordinates all CSR activities at Ethias. Philippe joined Ethias in 2000, following time spent within various ministries. Ethias is a Belgian mutual insurance group which is the third largest insurer on the Belgian market (with a 13.1% market share in 2006, more than 1.2 million affiliated members, and a premium income of 3.8 billion Euros).
Philippe Lallemand is also a Board member of subsidiaries of the Ethias Group (Ethias Banque, Nateus, Bel Ré) as well as some other institutions (Distrigaz, Société Fédérale de Participations et d’Investissement, Socofe, Meusinvest, etc.).
Philippe holds a law degree from the University of Liège and was born in 1962.